26 avril 2006

Last Thursday (almost a week ago--sorry, I've been behind in postings) was my Irish Step class's 2nd "graduation" show at the Old Town School of Folk Music. As you can see, I'm an Irish step dancing superstar.
Later that night, I brought my guitar out of its dusty cavern and played open mic night at the Tin Lizzy, 'round the corner from where I live. I was cajoled into going on stage, and probably could have used about a month's worth more practice, but it was a good way to get back into performing. I've been listening to a lot of bluegrass-esque music lately, and decided that this term, in addition to Irish Step, I'll be taking a bluegrass ensemble class. Pretty soon, I'll be speaking with an Irish brogue and a southern twang at the same time. It will be HOT.