04 septembre 2005

where have you BEEN?

After much nagging from my (two) loyal fans, I am posting to let you know that I have not quit blogging. My life has been a bit unstable these days, and eloquent writing has not been exactly flowing from my fingertips.

So I'm in New York, once again. Showing G. around the city. Looking for jobs, looking for sanity. Went to the penguin movie last night. Cute, but might as well have watched it at home on the National Geographic Channel. That way I could have avoided sitting in front of a couple, once again, who did not know how to WHISPER! I know I've wrote about this phenomenon before, but it never ceases to amaze me. There is a difference between speaking in full voice and whispering. You can tell if you're using your vocal chords, or not. If you are, OTHER PEOPLE CAN HEAR YOU, TOO. You are not in your own little private movie theatre, where you can give your mate a running commentary without bothering the people sitting directly in front of you. God! [to be said in the style of Napolean Dynamite]


i may be in the city either this weekend (sept 10th) or the weekend after that. are you there indefinitely, or just for a visit?

ps...i haven't been bugging you to write, but i have been checking in regularily. post better!
The same for me, my girl friend eat popcorn and drink coca cola in the cinema. So terrible (awfull in english)!!! Impossible to follow le film. Does the pingouin died a la fin, I missed it, I had to go buy more pop corn!!!!!

hey suzanne - i found your blog on your umich directory entry. i'll have to check out your archives to see what you've been up to; it looks like life has been quite exciting. ;)

mine, too, but in a very different way... i got married and had a baby. heh. i'd love to catch up sometime.

all best...
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