14 septembre 2004

Bloggedy blog blog

I never thought I'd be the kind of person to think my thoughts were important enough to publish on the internet. It seems so self-indulgent, so pathetically hopeful, so... geeky. But now that I'm heading off to France to make my fortune as an English teaching assistant in Grenoble, I decided that maybe I should find an easy way for my friends and parents to keep up with me, without having to waste many euros and hours on the phone. Plus, I always think of myself as a writer, but haven't been doing much of it lately. So I think I'll put my money where my mouth is and start writing journal entries as though someone were reading them--in the hopes that someday soon, someone will.

So I think I'll put my money where my mouth is and start writing journal entries as though someone were reading them--in the hopes that someday soon, someone will.

I'm new at this too, Suzanne, but not to worry. Someone will and has read you already!
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